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The Main Differences between Batch and Custom Fabrics


In the past, most fabrics and materials would have undergone some form of hand stitching. From garments and outerwear, all the way to upholstery – before the introduction of machinery, hand stitching (or sewing via spindle) was one of the only ways to create the fabrics that many people take for granted in modern times. These days, there are two types of fabric to choose from – the first being batch and the second being custom.


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Although both may be similar in terms of usage they do offer varying grades of quality – and this fact is pretty obvious when comparing luxury branded fabrics to those that are simply created in bulk and sold on at minimal costs. In reality, bulk fabrics are best used for cheaper solutions, such as low-priced curtains, cheap upholstery and general décor.


Custom or branded fabrics on the other hand are the first choice for designers and professionals – mainly due to the higher level of quality associated with the fabrics themselves. For example, you could purchase a roll of cheaply manufactured fabric and implement it within your home; but with use or exposure, it will likely deteriorate in both colour and appearance before too long.


Designer fabrics only ever use the highest quality fibres, and although small and frail when observed individually – these fibres lend their strength to the entire composition of the material. This will make the fabric much longer-lasting, as well as being able to retain colour for much longer – and they may even resist stains and damage better than their manufactured counterparts.


Why choose custom luxury fabrics?


For projects of all sizes, luxury materials provide a much firmer foundation to work from – whilst offering up a great aesthetic that can last for decades. Thanks to the latest advances in technology it’s possible to obtain any hue or tone of fibre, and when applied to quality materials; the colours can last for much longer.


More on fabrics


Compare this to cheaper fabrics that often feature plastic compositions to help to keep the costs low. Not only will these fibres lose their colour over time – they can actually be very uncomfortable, which is a very big consideration if you’re planning on using the material for furniture. Softer materials are typically more natural and are free from man-made elements.


Furnishings & Fabric Designs


The dying process is also subjected to a strict quality control process, all but assuring uniformity and consistency throughout. This isn’t a feature that cheaper materials are exposed to, and in many instances it’s commonly accepted that there may be dull areas or spots of fading when using these low-cost alternatives.
There are a variety of luxury brands out there, from Brunschwig and Fils, all the way to Peter Dunham and Holly Hunt. They may be a little costlier than their lower-priced equivalents, but they are well worth the investment considering that they could last a lifetime. After all, low-cost materials will require maintenance and replacement every so often to keep them in working order.